If we were first to look at what soil is exactly. It will give us a much better idea of how soil gets contaminated. Soil is made of many minerals and water. All mixed together to form a perfect outcome. Rich soil for growing or planting will have a deep array of lifeforms.
Soils will vary immensely depending on what part of the planet you are. Soils in Australia generally due no volcanic activity over a long period have low nutrients compared to many other regions on the earth. Australia has very unique soil compounds compared to the rest of the world. The soil over time has been conditioned to work even with low precipitation. Many Australian soils are rocky and have high salt compounds.
Saying this it does vary again on which part of Australia you reside in. To give you an idea Australian soils have evolved so much that rainforests grow on what is considered sand. Australian soils are unique on world standards.
Australian Soils are Delicate Environmentally Speaking.
The eco balance is Australia is very delicate and this includes soils. Due to modern progress. Humans can easily damage the balance of soils and render them useless. For anything. Speaking plainly soils in Australia are easily contaminated. Contaminates are caused by humans and no-one else.
The positive thing is that soils can be remediated or in some cases washed. Most can be saved and used for growing and development purposes. Most Australians on a whole are not aware of how easily soils can be damaged and therefore becoming dangerous. Contaminated soils impose health risks and in many cases. People are unaware of a piece of land that is toxic.
How Exactly Do Soils Become Contaminated and Toxic?
Let’s be clear any unnatural element that exceeds the natural soil levels is classified as contaminated. That is to say the element is dangerous to humans. Pesticides are a very common contaminate in Australian soils. Lead was still used in fuel up until the 1980’s and is still found in some soils now.
Primarily, industrial sites such as petrol stations need to be decontaminated when the site is no longer operational. In addition, inner-city dwellings have high records of contaminates. In general, urban development is the most common.
Farming lands due to high pesticides can also be places where soil contaminates are found. Some soils contain natural traces of lead and arsenic. However, these can be safe. Its when other combinations are introduced. This is when a negative effect can incur.
Some other common contaminates are asbestos, oils, radon, and some forms of copper. As mentioned earlier humans are 90% to blame for contaminated soils. Soil damage is caused by waste dumping, industrial dumping.
Vehicles in general cause petrol and oil products to seep into the land. When you were learning to drive or at some point in our lives. We were told that when it first rains. A thin layer of oil is produced between the road and the tires of the of your vehicle. This is caused basically by everyone driving. When the oil is finally washed from the road. Where do think it goes? Into the soil of course.
Soil Contamination is Something We Should All Think About.
Everywhere we look soil is being contaminated. This is why in Australia everybody needs to be thinking about soil contamination. If you believe your soil is contaminated, you should contact a professional who is skilled in soil testing. There are many soil testing companies who are more than competent to have the soil tested.
If you were to think of soil as a human organ, it could be compared to the liver. The liver is an amazing organ and can recover like no other organ. On some occasions it needs help and in other cases time to perform to its best. Soil is the front line of defense when it comes to contaminates entering our water supply.
Soil is the filter that breaks down toxins and prevents further damage to the environment such as plants, animals and of course us humans. When the soil is overrun with contaminants. This is when it becomes unsafe for our use. When the toxins and contaminants become so overwhelming and enter our water consumption resources. Such as underground bores, this is when there can be negative effects on water supplies.
Australia’s water supply is extremely important to the citizens in Australia. This is another reason soil contamination is of extreme importance and should be high on people’s agenda. Governments should be focusing more in this area as well as the public in general. On a world scale Australia has high standards when it comes to pollutants in our land. There have been some real horror stories in other countries. This is not to say there haven’t been home grown horror stories. Such as the famous contamination report at Boolaroo NSW.
Soil Remediation in Australia
Now that we have established the negative side of soil contamination. There are remedies and people who work tirelessly to improve the safety of soil. Remediation when working with soil is hard work.
This when is best to employ or contract the services of a qualified soil remediation company. Depending on the size of the land site will depend on the costs. Not only that it will also depend on what type of toxicity you are dealing with. There are two types of soil remediation that are commonly used.
Firstly, there is onsite remediation, this is when contaminants can be treated on the property. This is a way less expensive process and would be the best choice if possible. The second commonly known soil remediation treatment is offsite treatment. This is when soil is excavated and transported to a plant and is treated or washed. Generally, heat is applied. This method is highly effective however as mentioned more expensive.
How to Choose a reputable Soil Remediation Company?
Finally, once you have had your site tested, you are aware of the type of toxicity you are dealing with. Then, you should then start looking for a qualified soil remediation company. The company you choose should be EPA registered and have experience in soil remediation.
Also, the company should be a approachable and friendly. This is so you can ask any questions you are unsure of. They should also be efficient in reading your testing report. They should provide you with a detailed quote so this can be assessed and compared.
If you are looking for soil remediation services in Melbourne and surrounding areas. We suggest calling Phase One Asbestos.
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