Important Facts About Asbestos

Facts About Asbestos

Although you might not always see that asbestos still exists in several old homes and buildings. It’s essential to have the knowledge and take appropriate precautions against this harmful substance. These are a few of the facts you need to know about Asbestos:

There Are Still Products Containing Asbestos

Asbestos and its uses in construction businesses are in so many varieties. Furthermore, the use of asbestos is to create products resistant to heat. Its use is often to be an acoustic insulator and a thermal insulator, in addition to in fireproofing and construction materials.

Additionally, it is on structural steel beams, in crawl spaces, and between walls. Products like ceiling tiles, vinyl sheet flooring, roof shingles, acoustical plaster, electric wiring insulation have asbestos.

In addition, caulking, spackling, adhesives, chalkboards, fire blankets, lift gear panels, and thermal paper goods also contain asbestos.

Asbestos & Asbestos Fibres Dangerous When Disturbed

Friable asbestos can become airborne. Asbestos can end up in your lungs when you breathe it in, resulting in disease. Friable materials incorporate the fibrous, fluffy, sprayed-on substances used in insulation, fireproofing, and soundproofing. 

Non-friable substances, like floor tile and roof, felt, ordinarily do not emit airborne contaminants. The threat for you comes from scratching, sanding, cutting, or upsetting substances that contain asbestos. 

If you’re renovating your house, be certain that to have licensed professional asbestos removalists execute the work according to specific specifications and security protocols. Don’t attempt to discard asbestos all on your own.

Need help? You can contact Phase One Asbestos here. Being one of the experienced removalists towards the nature of asbestos removal we can offer you the highest quality of services.

Asbestos Exposure – Important Facts About Asbestos

Asbestos is a carcinogen and might result in one or more diseases in those people who have inhaled its microscopic fibres. The longer the exposure the greater the danger becomes for one to create an asbestos-related disease. 

Asbestosis is a noncancerous, however chronic, and frequently deadly respiratory disorder that happens after asbestos fibres cause scarring in the lungs. The scarring can lead to pain, difficulty breathing, and heart issues. 

Mesothelioma is an uncommon type of cancer. It induces a tumour which spreads around the veins in the vicinity of the lungs. Asbestos exposure accounts for almost all cases of mesothelioma. 

These ailments may take around 40 or even 50 years to grow within the entire body, which makes many sufferers of those diseases unaware of their situation.

Asbestos Fibres Inside The Human Body

Unlike any substances, asbestos won’t be easy to dispose of. Asbestos fibres are microscopic, the fibres may slide through the lungs. The lungs’ natural filtration system and permeate apparently through the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the torso. 

The fibres may also penetrate the stomach. Furthermore, nothing can eliminate the fibres in the body as a result of their sharp, needle-like nature. Hence, to protect yourself, wear the proper respiratory protection and essential personal protective gear when dealing with asbestos.

Asbestos Mine & Export 

Despite its health dangers, asbestos is a commodity in nations like Greece, Canada, Russia, Italy, China, and India. A number of these states also continue to utilize and promote asbestos broadly. Furthermore, because asbestos is a cheap material, it is now common on building sites in developing nations.

Why Removing Asbestos Requires Professionals

If you believe you have asbestos in your house, odds are you have come across several companies that claim to be experts in asbestos removal. The simple truth is that many are in the market to look for easy cash. 

In addition, if you’re going to make a mistake of hiring them you are in big trouble. Hence, if you’re thinking about hiring professional asbestos removalists, always make sure that you hire individuals who know how to do their jobs properly. There are several benefits in line with choosing professional asbestos removalists.

With Phase One Asbestos our team offers client-friendly services with 25 years of experience, we take pride in our quality services.

Asbestos Ban In Australia

Important Facts About Asbestos - Melbourne

In Australia, a huge majority of asbestos generated was utilized in fabricating asbestos cement, that has been a staple material in building construction. The asbestos based materials are economical, durable and flame resistant. Australia has among the maximum asbestos per capita applications on earth before the 1980s. 

While asbestos hasn’t yet been utilized in construction since the early 1980s, the decision to ban all asbestos-containing products did not come until late 2003. It’s currently illegal to import, use or sell asbestos-containing materials in Australia. However, any asbestos in houses is fine. In addition, Asbestos is prohibited in 61 countries such as Japan, South African, Norway and New Zealand.

Asbestos in Australian Homes

Asbestos products aren’t always easy to spot from houses. However, there are several common areas where asbestos materials are often found. 

On your toilets, asbestos sheeting is frequently found in ceilings, walls and floors. On your kitchen, it may be from the financing cushions of your vinyl floors, or on your hot water pipes. Furthermore, Asbestos can be on your walls and roofs, or your brick cladding.

Asbestos in Australia

Asbestos was replaced using fibre cement; a substance with nearly identical properties, but minus the poisonous fibres. However, how do you distinguish between asbestos and fibre cement? Asbestos will normally have a different pattern on it that appears like the dimples on a golf match. There’s often a noticeable difference in colour but this is only because of age.

Asbestos and fibre cement are nearly indistinguishable. Both of them are insoluble in water-resistant to flame, and thermally stable significance acts like rust. This consequently makes fibre cement a superb and secure substitute for asbestos solutions.

Asbestos Existence At Homes – Important Facts About Asbestos

Asbestos was once a significant building material for houses and buildings since it’s economical and durable. In Australia, thousands and thousands of houses were built with asbestos-containing materials (ACM) up till the 1980s. 

Even though the usage of the substance dropped in the 1980s. A real ban on asbestos and ACMs was issued solely on 31 December 2003. Furthermore, despite the ban in place, remnants of asbestos contamination continue to be found in a couple of houses again and again.

Have you ever been tidying around the home lately? Make this the ideal time to perform some visual survey of your house to check whether you’ve got signs of asbestos contamination.

Construction Date

If a home was constructed during or earlier 1980s, odds are it’s containing asbestos. Homes throughout the period utilized to contain asbestos from its flooring tiles, ceilings, walls, insulation, and also in pipe cement amongst others.


Most apartment corrugated roofing sheets and bitumen roof tiles are ACMs. These construction materials utilize asbestos. The most hazardous of the three sorts, but not short of causing health risks.


Vinyl tiles, a vinyl sheet with newspaper or millboard, and 9″x9″ flooring tiles are most likely exists with asbestos. The probability is higher if the house exists during or previous 1980s.


Because of asbestos’ insulation and fireproof property, grey or white asbestos is common in insulation for pipes, especially the fittings. White asbestos tapes are also seen on plumbing as insulating materials.


Old ceilings can be made from asphalt cement sheet. Assess for light foundations, and port covers as these may be contaminated with asbestos.

What to do in Asbestos if Found?

If you suspect that asbestos exists within your house, then leave the material independently. Don’t harm or disturb asbestos. In addition, preventing cleaning errors is a must to save time and avoid complications.

  • Do not remove otherwise, fibres may scatter in the air and enter your body as you breathe.
  • Do not scrub this can scrape on the top layer of the substance and induce fibres to scatter also.

Non-friable asbestos isn’t hazardous. Keep non-friable asbestos tightly sealed away and isolated. It merely releases inhalable debris particles.

Isolate Non-Friable Asbestos

It’s possible to seal off non-friable asbestos in floor tiles and wall using an encapsulant as a temporary remedy. This airtight coating isolates debris fibres, preventing them. It’s just excellent for undamaged ACM, since it may aggravate damaged asbestos-containing materials.

Call Professional Asbestos Removalists

As you seek the services of a professional asbestos removalist when home cleaning gets rough. the sole solution to the health hazard would be asbestos removal

Should you suspect your house contains asbestos. Hence, immediately notify the authorities and arrange for an asbestos survey or asbestos removal by a certified asbestos removalist.

Keep in mind that asbestos removal isn’t an easy task that you can do on your own. Just government authorized removalists should eliminate asbestos-containing materials.

Furthermore, Phase One Asbestos offers quality asbestos removals. We comply with Australian standards ensuring you not only get quality but also friendly services.

Asbestos In Cars – Is This Possible?

Important Facts About Asbestos - Australia

In the last couple of decades, Australia has stepped up its crackdown on asbestos-containing imports, a ban that originally occurred in 2003. Notably causing a hassle for classic car owners and owners using automobiles that range from Mustangs to Jaguars being halt. The vast majority of vehicles captured originating in the U.S.

Asbestos in Cars

Asbestos is a natural-occurring mineral fibre that was formerly a rather practical mineral which may insulate against heat and power. Automobile manufacturers had used asbestos because it turns out to be a flexible, powerful and very affordable solution.

Australia has been among the greatest users of Asbestos together with all the mineral and its uses until 1984 and around 1.5 million tonnes imported between 1930 and 1983.

The entire ban on asbestos and asbestos-containing substances in 2003 came because of the findings which exposure to the fibres may cause life-threatening disorders.

The most important danger in managing asbestos is the fibres can become airborne, and also a few kinds of asbestos is a known carcinogen in the lungs.

Importing Vehicles Containing Asbestos

Personal importers might get a high fee per findings. However, the largest cost will probably be the car components.

Importers should cover testing of the supposed automobile components and if you will find indications of asbestos. Hence, they need to replace the specific components before they can be found out by customs. A procedure that could cost them extra based on the automobile.

Asbestos-free Vehicles

The most usual high-risk components including asbestos-containing gaskets, brake pads, clutch and seals linings in certain basic vehicles.

The Australian Border Force will require assurances that high-risk parts do not contain any debris. Therefore, that means that you’re accountable for making sure that your vehicle doesn’t include any asbestos before you or your provider as it boats it into Australia.

Particular testing certificates, lab reports or distribution chain documentation may offer assurance that asbestos isn’t present in imported products.

Experts suggest to have the car cleaned and tested at a technical centre before transport. Furthermore, it is to prevent quarantine expenses, possible damage to your automobile, missing time and hefty penalties on delivery.

Vehicles Sent for Asbestos Testing?

Shipping vehicles to Australia after asbestos testing and providing proof that there is no asbestos in your car?

Customs are well within their right to ship any automobile for additional testing, even in the event you can prove there’s not any asbestos existing.

Asbestos Removal At Home: Risk & Removal – Important Facts About Asbestos

Important Facts About Asbestos - Phase One Asbestos

Finding out that home might contain asbestos is surprising. Asbestos exposure often associated with lung cancer and mesothelioma, especially with construction workers.

Many people will spend one-third of their time daily in their house. that’s a good deal of time to be breathing air that may potentially make you ill. Most frequently, people need to understand where asbestos is located and the possible dangers of getting asbestos in the house. 

Here is what you want to know about asbestos if you’re a home buyer, seller, or remodeler:

How to Find Asbestos

Asbestos is a mineral that’s from the ground. It’s natural properties which make it a great and affordable flame retardant. Therefore, it is to a lot of construction products to allow them to work better with peak usage involving the 1940s through the 1970s.

Asbestos is Bad

As time passes, asbestos inhalation may result in asbestosis (a lung disease). Furthermore, it includes cancer, and mesothelioma an aggressive type of cancer which affects the lungs, heart, and stomach. It is very important to know a few essential concepts about asbestos-containing substances on your residence.

In case the construction material in question isn’t friable. Then the asbestos fibres won’t have the ability to either aerosolized or turn into air-borne particulate. 

The asbestos will probably be in the construction material and won’t pose a health hazard. Because of this, most old homes don’t pose a supplementary health danger to the occupants residing there. If the asbestos fibres are not airborne, then the region is safe.

How To Know If Asbestos Exists In Your Home

If you’re purchasing a home older than 1980, you can presume it likely contains at least a few asbestos. If your old home is in good shape and you aren’t planning any renovation job, you most likely don’t have to check for asbestos.

You might choose to provide a review to search for damaged materials that might contain asbestos. Particularly if you have many reasons for concern such as damaged pipe insulation or older construction materials.

Home Sellers Have to Disclose Asbestos

The majority of states do not need single-family homeowners to examine for asbestos before selling their property. However, if you intentionally sell a house with asbestos without revealing that information to your purchaser. Hence, sellers are responsible for medical damages later on. It’s ideal to check the regional regulations since these laws differ by country.

Asbestos Included in Home Inspections?

No. Home inspectors can also have a license for asbestos inspections. However, many home inspectors don’t do this job. In addition, when they did they’d charge an additional inspection fee within add-in support. 

Most house inspectors will report on the existence of construction materials which are very likely to contain asbestos. This shouldn’t be confused with an entire asbestos identification review, which is quite a bit more comprehensive.

Professional Asbestos Removalists

Professional asbestos removalists use the proper method of disposing of Asbestos. Bear in mind that the police are keen to make sure that there’s proper disposal of asbestos wastes. 

This implies that in case you attempt to eliminate the wastes by yourself carelessly, there are chances you will end up on the opposite side of this law.

Phase One Asbestos’ foundation for integrity, transparency, and passionate work has made us the leading firm in removal and demolition. Furthermore, we use state of the art equipment in removing asbestos. Ensuring every customer receives quality services. 



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Guide to Asbestos in the Home
